Causes of Mouth ulcers | Natural remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are also called as canker sore, is a common condition develops inside your mouth due to injury (like, accidentally biting the inside of your cheek) They can cause drinking, eating and speaking difficult Mouth ulcers aren’t contagious and usually heals within one to two weeks.And if the mouth ulcers lasts for a long […]

Obesity and Overweight | Causes | Treatment

Obesity and Overweight  Obesity and Overweight is defined as the accumulation of excessive body fat that has a negative effect on an individual Health. Body Mass Index is a measurement of  weight-for-height  used to differentiate between Overweight and Obese in Adults. Body Mass index is measured as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the […]

What is tonsils | Causes, Treatment

What is Tonsillitis? Inflammation of one or two oval-shaped tonsils. Tonsils are the set of lymphoid organs at each side of the back of the throat, which includes the adenoid tonsil, two tubal tonsils, two palatine tonsils, and the lingual tonsils.  IS TONSILLITIS CONTAGIOUS? Tonsillitis can be contagious. Tonsillitis is caused by different types of […]