Ear Surgery

Simplified And Effective Perforated Eardrum Surgery

A ruptured eardrum (tympanic membrane perforation) is a hole or tear in the thin tissue that separates the ear canal from the middle ear (eardrum).

Ear Surgery (Tympanoplasty)

A gap in the tissue that connects the ear canal and the middle ear. Loud noises, a foreign item in the ear, head trauma, a middle ear infection, or fast pressure fluctuations, such as from air travel, can all cause a Ruptured Eardrum. Sharp ear discomfort that goes away rapidly, discharge, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or hearing loss are all symptoms. The issue normally resolves on its own within a few weeks. Antibiotics, an eardrum patch, or surgery may be necessary.


Perforated Eardrum Causes

  • Infections of the middle ear can damage the eardrum.
  • Direct ear injury, such as a punch to the ear.
  • A sudden loud noise - for example, from a nearby explosion. The eardrum can be torn (perforated) by shock waves and rapid sound waves. This is the most common type of perforation and can result in significant hearing loss and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
  • Barotrauma. This happens when there is a quick change in air pressure and there is a significant difference in the pressure of the air outside and inside the ear.
  • Grommets. These are small tubes inserted into the eardrum. They are used to treat glue ears because they allow mucus that has accumulated in the middle ear to drain. When a grommet falls out, it leaves a tiny hole in the eardrum. This heals quickly in most cases.

Causes of Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery Symptoms

Diagnosis of Ears

A torn (perforated) eardrum is usually diagnosed by looking into the ear using a special lamp called an otoscope. However, if there is a lot of inflammation, wax, or infection in the ear, it can be difficult to see the eardrum. 

After diagnosis Ear hole repair without surgery or surgical treatment decided by our ENT specialist doctors.

Auditory Testing:

An audiologist uses sounds of changing volume and frequency to assess a patient’s hearing in each ear.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

A scanner uses radio waves in a magnetic field to obtain high-resolution images of the ears and surrounding tissues.

Computed Tomography (CT scan):

Computed Tomography (CT scan): A CT scanner creates images of the ears and surrounding structures by using X-rays and a computer.


Ear Surgery Procedures

A torn (perforated) eardrum will normally mend on its own in 6-8 weeks. It is a skin-like structure that, like cut skin, normally heals. Antibiotics will be administered if there is an infection or a danger of infection developing in the middle ear while the eardrum heals.

If the symptoms are not too severe, most eardrums heal within a week. The ENT surgeon will almost certainly prescribe antibiotic ear drops. If the perforated eardrum does not heal on its own, your ENT surgeon may utilise one of the following techniques to treat it.

Tympanoplasty Surgery- It is the simplest surgical surgery.

It is performed under anesthesia. A biological tissue paper patch is placed over the hole and fixed in place with a drop of blood or ointment after the borders of the hole are inflamed with an instrument or mild acid. Tympanoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure, and the patient is then discharged.

Patching the eardrum includes placing a medicated paper patch over the tear in the membrane if the eardrum hole or perforation does not heal on its own. The patch encourages membrane renewal. The ENT surgeon may put a paper patch to seal it. The ENT surgeon may employ chemicals to treat the eardrum before patching it up.


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