Knee Replacement

Advanced minimally invasive Knee Replacement Surgery By our Best Orthopaedics Surgeons

Knee arthroplasty can help relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints.

Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery by Our Experts

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical treatment that replaces the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain and impairment. It is most typically used to treat joint discomfort. The operation entails removing diseased bone and cartilage from your thigh bone, shinbone, and kneecap and replacing it with an artificial joint.


Orthopaedic doctors evaluates your knee’s range of motion, stability, and strength. X-rays help identify the amount of the injury and whether a knee replacement is appropriate for you.


Benefits of Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery

The incision for a minimally surgical knee replacement is typically 4 to 6 inches versus 8 to 10 inches for traditional knee replacement. When compared to traditional knee replacement surgery, minimally invasive knee replacement surgery has several advantages.

  • Shorter incisions
  • Short recovery duration
  • Reduces chances of excessive bleeding
  • High success rates than in conventional knee replacement surgery
  • Lesser chances of infection

Precautions after Knee Replacement Surgery


Follow your surgeon’s instructions: After surgery, your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for your knee. To guarantee optimal healing and recovery, follow these recommendations to the letter.

Physical Therapy: As instructed by your surgeon, attend regular physical therapy sessions to rebuild knee strength and mobility. Your therapist will collaborate with you to create a rehabilitation programme that is tailored to your specific needs.

Walking and Light Exercise: Begin walking and performing light workouts as soon as your surgeon permits. This will aid in the prevention of blood clots, the promotion of healing, and the reduction of problems.

Recovery: Allow your body to recuperate by getting lots of rest. Don’t push yourself too hard or try to rush your recuperation.

Healthy Diet: To maintain sufficient nourishment and encourage healing, eat a healthy, balanced diet.


Lifting heavy objects should be avoided because it can put strain on your knee and hinder your rehabilitation.

High-impact activities such as running, jumping, or contact sports should be avoided since they can harm your replacement knee joint and slow your recovery.

Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided because they can slow down the healing process and raise the risk of problems.

Even if you start feeling better, don’t stop taking any drugs given by your doctor. To ensure optimal healing and recovery, take all medications as indicated.

Look for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage near your incision. Do not ignore these signs, If you observe any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately!

Diagnosis of Knee

The orthopaedic doctor will diagnose the knee’s condition before conducting knee replacement surgery.

  • Ask about the person’s symptoms
  • Review the person's medical record to understand their health.
  • Carry out a physical examination
  • Review any X-rays conducted before the appointment
The orthopaedist may also order additional diagnostic tests. These may include:
  • An MRI scan
  • A CT scan
  • A bone scan
  • An ultrasound
  • Nerve conduction studies
  • Blood tests

Knee Replacement Surgery

Not every knee injury needs surgery. In case of surgery is required, the doctor will choose the best method out of the following:

  • Total Knee replacement surgery, commonly known as knee arthroplasty or complete knee replacement, is a surgical operation used to resurface an arthritis-damaged knee. Metal and plastic components, as well as the kneecap, are used to cap the ends of the bones that make up the knee joint. For someone with severe arthritis or a severe knee injury, this surgery may be considered.
  • A partial knee replacement procedure involves replacing only one portion of a damaged knee, such as the medial, lateral, or kneecap. When arthritis affects only a portion of the knee, it is replaced with an artificial implant known as a prosthesis. The remainder of the knee is intact. Partial knee replacements are performed using smaller incisions, resulting in a shorter recovery time.
  • Arthroscopic surgery: Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which the surgeon creates a tiny incision in the knee and inserts an arthroscope, which is a tiny camera. On a monitor screen, the doctor can see the inside of the knee joint. The doctor removes and replaces the damaged components of the knee using the guidance photographs.

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