
Most Effective and Painless Septum treatment by our Experts

A septoplasty is one of the most common ear, nose, and throat (ENT) procedures. 


Septoplasty, also known as submucous septal resection, and septal reconstruction, is a surgical treatment used to straighten a deviated nasal septum, which is the wall between the two nasal cavities. The septum should ideally run along the centre of the nose. The septum is the cartilage that divides the nostrils in the nose. It usually sits in the centre and evenly splits the nostrils.

Many people have a septum that is uneven, causing one nostril to be larger than the other. A deviated septum is a severe unevenness. It can lead to health problems such as a blocked nose or difficulties breathing. Uneven septums are fairly prevalent.

A deviated nasal septum surgery necessitates medical care only if it causes other health problems or has a detrimental influence on one’s quality of life.


Complications Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)

A significantly deviated septum might lead to consequences if left untreated. Obstruction of one or both nostrils is a common problem.

This can cause:

Other complications include:

Causes of Septoplasty

Symptoms for DNS Surgery

Diagnosis of Nasal Septum

To identify a deviated septum, Our Experts use a nasal speculum to inspect your nostrils. The Specialist examines the position of the septum and how it affects the size of the nostrils. The doctor will also provide advice on sleep, snoring, sinus issues, and difficulty breathing.

To alleviate symptoms, treatment focuses on resolving the underlying problem.

To help with symptoms, treatment focuses on correcting deviated nose. Common treatments for symptoms include:


Septoplasty Surgery

If your symptoms do not improve with medication or other treatment attempts, Our Experts may suggest a reconstructive surgery called septoplasty. Septoplasty surgery takes about 90 minutes and is performed under anesthesia. Depending on the surgeon and your unique case, you may be given local or general anesthesia. A surgeon slices the deviated nasal septum and removes extra cartilage or bone during the operation.

This helps to straighten the septum and nasal canal. To stabilise the septum, silicone splints can be put into each nostril. Sutures are then used to close the incision wound. The patient might not feel any pain. A patient will feel better breathing, a higher quality of life, a better sense of smell, and a better facial structure after the therapy


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