Pilonidal Sinus

Most Effective and Simplified Surgeries for Pilonidal Sinus

A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. 

What is Pilonidal Sinus?

The Pilonidal Sinus is located in the buttocks’ upper cleft. Hair, grit, and debris are frequently found in pilonidal cysts. It can be extremely painful and frequently becomes infected. It could ooze pus and blood and have an unpleasant aroma if it gets infected.

A PNS is a disorder that primarily affects men and is widespread among adolescent and young adults. Additionally, those who spend a lot of time sitting down, like cab drivers, are more likely to experience it.


How MediCub Helps You

Pilonidal Sinus Causes

Pilonidal Sinus Symptoms


The Pilonidal Sinus will be first identified by a physical examination by MediCub specialists.

A large variety of microorganisms can be treated using a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

It’s crucial to understand that while this won’t repair your sinuses, it will relieve your pain and inflammation.

Laser Surgery

Additionally, if the pilonidal sinus is infected and painful, surgery is advised. In order to empty the pilonidal sinus, surgery is essential. Laser surgery is used to treat the pilonidal sinus. 

During this procedure, our MediCub Doctors uses a laser fibre to ablate the sinus system. The tract speeds up wound healing and aids in the sinus tract’s effective drainage.


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